Most referrals to specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a clinician first. However, there are a number of services locally, listed below, that you can access by self-referring without needing to speak to us.
Drugs and alcohol
Open Road Empowering individuals, families and communities in their journey of recovery from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and other addictions. Website:
Eye conditions
You can self-refer for eye conditions or issues via the links or contact details below: Clacton Specsavers Limited 13 Station Road Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1TD Tel: 01255 225000 Buizer & Cole 96...
Mental health
North East Essex – Therapy for You (IAPT) Therapy for You (IAPT), provided by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), makes a range of talking therapies available to anyone...
Perinatal Pelvic Health
Suffolk and North East Essex ICB have launched a new service to support anyone with antenatal or postnatal pelvic floor problems, incontinence or prolapse. Everyone receiving maternity care will be...
Physiotherapy self-referral Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is...
Pulmonary rehabilitation
You can now self-refer to pulmonary rehabilitation by visiting this link or calling 03330433966. You can refer to pulmonary rehabilitation when: You have a diagnosed respiratory condition You experience breathlessness as...
Sexual health
Essex Sexual Health Service Provide CIC is leading a collaboration of organisations to deliver a service providing a full range of sexual health services for the people of Essex. Telephone: 0300...
Smoking cessation
If you would like to stop smoking, send an online request and our inhouse team will contact you.
Date published: 30th October, 2023
Date last updated: 31st October, 2023